Reusing 11ty listing templates
I've been starting to tidy up my blog (which uses 11ty) and for ages I'd been creating a listing template for each of my blog, tutorials and design sections.
My listing templates were something like the following, looping through collections:
<ul role="list" class="post-listing">
{% for entry in %}
<li class="mb-sm side-by-side"></li>
I've been able to replace this by adding frontmatter into my listing index file like: collectionName: blog
and then replacing all 3 listing file with a single one which contains the following:
<ul role="list" class="post-listing">
{% for entry in collections[collectionName] %}
<li class="mb-sm side-by-side"></li>
It's a small improvement, but all of these slowly mean I can run my blog with less code, which makes me happy!